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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

NHTM 2016 Annual Spring Conference

  • 18 Mar 2016
  • Keene State College, Keene NH


  • Student must provide a copy of College ID, through March 17
  • through March 17
  • through March 17
  • NHTM Member through March 17
  • Non-Member (includes NHTM Membership) through March 17

Registration is closed

NHTM Annual Spring Conference 

Keene State College

March 18, 2016.

Keynote speaker will feature
Eric K. Feldborg, Ed.D. 
Director of STEM Education 
New Hampshire Department of Education

Sessions will emphasize the eight standards for mathematical practice, along with presentations focusing on the connections among the Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs), Standards for Mathematical content, and STEM . Alignment will be with our theme, MARCH FORTH with R TWO Q TWO! (Rigor and Relevance with Quality Questioning!)

We apologize... our on line payment has been difficult, do register on line and if you have difficulty with payment you can pay by check or credit card on-site the day of the conference - but you do need to register your information on-line (we need to plan for the lunch).

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