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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

   Duties and Responsibilities of New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics: ATMNE Representative



Attend four regularly scheduled board meetings throughout the school year, Spring conference and summer retreat

Serve as a liaison to ATMNE, provide semi-annual reports at ATMNE Board meetings,  and provide information to the board regarding ATMNE related issues

Oversee Grants related to ATMNE, coordinate identifying possible funds for NHTM use via the ATMNE Grant process, grants need to be written and submitted by October 1 of each year

Represent NHTM at the regional level.

a)      Serve as resource person from NHTM for whatever is needed

b)      Write letters, as needed, to ATMNE expressing NHTM position on issues

c)      Assist with ATMNE Fall Conference as needed

Mathesis Articles

8/1, 11/1, 2/1, 5/1 - send ATMNE news


Attend full day or day and a half summer retreat for board members to discuss and plan activities for the coming year. 

Write column/article for newsletter as appropriate (i.e. ATMNE conference information) (due 8/1)

Information about the ATMNE Fall Conference should be in the Fall issue of Mathesis. (Submission deadline 8/1)


Write proposal for ATMNE grant for NHTM, if applicable, if reinstituted (due to ATMNE 10/1)

October & November

Attend ATMNE board meeting and write and give NHTM report. 

Fall meeting: evening meeting to coincide with fall conference (with president Wednesday evening before conference). {ATMNE pays shared lodging.}

Report to NHTM the outcomes/discussions  from ATMNE Board meeting.


Submit item to ATMNE about NHTM for their newsletter (due 12/15)

Remind Treasurer to pay ATMNE dues


Submit 2 columns to Mathesis regarding Fall ATMNE meeting discussions/ concerns and fall conference highlights



NHTM Spring Conference



Attend ATMNE board meeting, write and give NHTM report 

Spring meeting: Friday evening and Saturday morning; usually held in May {ATMNE pays mileage, room, and food}. 

Report to NHTM the outcome of ATMNE Board meeting.

Inform NHTM of availability of ATMNE grants and ATMNE activities

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