New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics (NHTM) is happy to welcome all who are interested in New Hampshire mathematics education to join our organization. We realize that membership fees can be a burden, so we are offering our basic individual membership for free. By joining, you are agreeing to receive occasional updates about our professional development opportunities - Dine & Discuss, Book Studies, Conferences, and Professional Development provided by others with an interest in mathematics education. You will also receive membership to the New England affiliate, Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England (ATMNE), with all of its privileges. We promise not to overload your inbox and we encourage you to join with others in your school.
Basic Membership in NHTM is free for any New Hampshire Educator of Mathematics. Click here to register for your NHTM Individual Membership.
We are also offering an annual premium membership for schools and individuals who would like to be more involved in our organization. Benefits include all of the above and:
Premium memberships for individuals cost $30 for the year. A school may purchase a premium membership for $40 to enroll up to 19 educational staff members or $75 for 20 or more members. Colleges and universities may include students in this bulk premium membership rate. Premium memberships run from October to September. Click here to register a school or download the MSWord document. Once a school has purchased the bulk premium membership, each person listed on the form will need to complete an individual membership form to receive premium membership privileges.
Individuals wishing to purchase their own premium membership should use the individual membership form.
Questions regarding NHTM membership? Contact our membership chair at