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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

   Duties and Responsibilities of New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics: Post Secondary Representative



• Attend four regularly scheduled board meetings throughout the school year, Spring    conference and summer retreat

• Represent concerns of the collegiate community in all activities associated with NHTM 

• Promote the activities of NHTM to colleagues 

• Promote NHTM Scholarship opportunity

• Write four articles for the Mathesis per year

• Co-Chair Prevost Award selection process with Middle School Representative

Mathesis Articles

8/1, 11/1, 2/1, 5/1 - deadlines for submission


Attend full day or day and a half summer Retreat for board members to discuss and plan activities for the coming year. 

Chair the Professional Development activities, coordinate with President Elect or Past President identifying needs assessment from membership (Use Survey Monkey)

Prepare professional development information/flyer for insert in Mathesis due 8/1. 

Submit professional development information to web master and publicity for posting

Oversee  plans  Autumn professional development


October & November

Chair Professional Development activities

Assist with registration for professional development 

Send Webmaster and Publicity Relations information on the  Professional Development

Send confirmations to Professional Development registrants; confirm arrangements for Professional Development locations, etc...

Coordinate funds collection and expenditures with Treasurer

Summarize Professional Development evaluations/feedback 

Send thank you notes to Professional Development presenters

Write and submit a report on the  Professional Development for the Mathesis and web site, based upon the time professional development occurs


Attend/submit names to nominations committee to determine slate for board elections. (Chaired by President elect or past president)


Work with Middle School Representative to coordinate process and activities for Prevost Award


Participate on award committee in early February to review applications and to help select the recipients. 

Coordinate college scholarship application/ selection process with Past President and/or President Elect

Provide President information required to order Prevost plaque in time for conference

Select topic for Professional Development activities

Arranges/coordinates planning meeting for Professional Development activities 


Verifies ballot count at Spring Conference

Review on-going Professional Development activities


Write a special insert for the Spring issue of the Mathesis (due 5/1).


Review and report on college scholarship process, coordinate with Past President and/or President Elect

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