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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

   Duties and Responsibilities of New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics: Membership Chair



  • The membership chair shall be responsible for securing accurate membership information, and disseminating this information to appropriate board members
  • Attend four regularly scheduled board meetings throughout the school year, Spring conference and summer retreat
  • Maintain membership records on a computer database (verify records held on web site).
  • Provide membership form for newsletter, on web site and updated annually
  • Organize printing of membership brochures, checks on renewals via web site activity
  • Provide membership info of NHTM to ATMNE and NCTM upon request
  • Arrange membership information via regions for Regional Coordinators
  • Maintain list of volunteers from information on membership forms
  • Interface with web design company for access to website (upload/input articles, forms, etc.)

Mathesis Articles

8/1, 11/1, 2/1, 5/1 - deadlines for submission

Provide current membership numbers for publication
Provide short blurb for Mathesis renewal, change of address reminders.
Keep editor up to date on current application/renewal form for Mathesis and coordinate with forms located on web site


Report to the ATMNE business manager semiannually (June and December) updated membership list 
Attend full-day or day and a half summer retreat for board members to discuss and plan activities for the coming year.
Review NHTM costs and determine if current dues are appropriate, or recommend change to help meet annual operating costs


Send renewal notices to individuals and institutional members , oversee process on the web site.

Work towards overseeing and maintaining on-line renewals through web site.

October & November

Process renewals and maintain reports and coordinate payment activities with the Treasurer.  

Oversee on-line and on-site registrations for fall professional development (includes verifying on-line payments, digital receipts and on-site registration coordinated with Treasurer reports)
Update membership reports.


Update mailing lists to the ATMNE business manager semiannually (June and December).
Notify Treasurer of numbers for payment of ATMNE dues.


Provide updated membership lists by regions for Regional Coordinators

NHJEM - inform membership of other organizations (Social Studies, ELA, and Science) of new or renewed memberships - with appropriate information

Coordinate payments to each association with Treasurer


Work with Spring Conference  Registration Chair on  pre-conference preparations by reviewing  the items listed below: 

a.  Pre-conference

  i.  On current membership list, highlight lapsed memberships; if registrant claims NHTM membership and is not on the list, notify the individual and make notation on envelope for conference information. [Adjust this for being able to access registration via web site and connects with membership information]

b.   Conference On-site (for Registration Chair)

 i.  Provide forms for registration and receipts [Coordinate digital receipts with web master and check information is accurate for each professional development activity]

 ii.  From registration committee provide number of conference attendees for  conference report.

 iii.  Set up a message board area


Identify potential Life Long Membership candidates for review and acceptance by Executive Board prior to Spring Conference


Assist at spring conference registration area. 

From registration committee – receive membership information (renewals and new members) – update membership lists.

Prepare honorary membership cards for Prevost, Evans, and Balomenos Awardees. Add names to NHTM roster and/or extend membership status for one year.

Prepare materials for recognizing members for 25 years of service to mathematics education (prepare certificates and pins and present / announce at Spring Conference)

Have membership report ready for General meeting at Spring Conference.


Update membership list with renewals and new members from Spring Conference.


Have updated membership list for May report. 

Review discussion- do membership dues need to be changed for following year activities?

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