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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

   Duties and Responsibilities of New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics: Treasurer



  • Attend four regularly scheduled board meetings throughout the school year and Spring conference.
  • Present quarterly financial report to the board, via email, before each regularly scheduled board meeting ~ prepare annual budget for review at summer retreat
  • Deposit receipts, pay bills, and keep records of all financial transactions.
  • Interface with web design company for access to website (upload/input articles, forms, etc.), annual payments.
  • As new treasurers are elected, arrange for change of name on bank records that include checking and savings accounts and security boxes, certificates of insurance - ensure audit of record payments.
  • Every six years oversees funds, maintains records of expenses, registrations, and exhibits' fees for ATMNE conference held in New Hampshire.

Mathesis Articles

9/1 Summary article detailing how NHTM monies are allocated. 

Recommend that the Treasurer write an article for the November Mathesis that covers a synopsis of the preceding year finances and projections for the coming year.


  • Attend full day or day and a half summer retreat for board members to discuss and plan activities for the coming year.
  • Have budget for operational year ready for discussion and adjustment at retreat.
  • Reimburse summer institute conference expenses (may be able to get reimbursement from ATMNE for leadership conference)
  • Scholarships to awardees 
  • Check dates for payment on web site costs and make payments as needed (As of 2015 includes Wild Apricot for web site and Survey Monkey for Voting and  needs assessment surveys)


9/1 Summary article detailing how NHTM monies are allocated.

  •  Dine and Discuss - location is secured (w/Deposit
    • Registration opens on web site - check NHTM website re:payment information on registrants
    • Some glitches w/PayPal - double check PayPal account and Credit Card payments - log onto PayPal to check payments received

October & November

Recommend that the Treasurer write an article for the November Mathesis that covers a synopsis of the preceding year finances and projections for the coming year .

  • State Math Meet writers gather to write questions - stipend, mileage, and food paid/reimbursed 
  • November - Final D&D bills to be paid


  • Bring appropriate records to accountant in December for audit and preparation of state and IRS reports; sign reports prepared by accountant.  (This should be completed by the end of November.  The taxes are due by December 31st.)
  • NH Trust-Non Profit fee t be paid once taxes are complete (due no later than December 31st) 
  • Submit dues to ATMNE.


  • Set up meeting(s) with the Registration Chair for the Spring conference. 
  • The Chair submits checks that have been processed for the Spring conference to Treasurer and/or check on line payments
  • Review with Conference Chair procedures for maintaining financial records related to expenses for the conference and conveying information to the treasurer, which may include on-line payments and digital on-site payments.
  • Insurance Renewal
  • Coordinate with Membership Chair and send NHJEM dues to other associations.


  • Safety deposit box rental, insurance due, and NCTM dues (to take advantage of discount rate).
  • State Math Meet
    • Registration checks sent to Treasurer to record and coordinate w/ State Math Contest Chair
    • Bills include
      • Pencils
      • Food
      • Copyimg
      • Trophies


  • Spring Conference
    • Registrations on-line (NHTM website and PayPal regular checks) and on day of conference
    • Prepare checks for Prevost Awardee ($250) and Evans Awardee ($500) recipient, identify charity for Balomenos ($100) - recipients for presentation at Spring Conference.
  • Prepare and present financial summary for Spring Conference business meeting.
  • NCTM Affiliate Dues (based on membership - if not paid in February)


  • Wrapping up details from Spring Conference.
  • MET Contribution
  • Mathcounts


  • Prepare preliminary annual budget (coincides with May's financial report update) to be presented to the board in May for preliminary review; submit copy of annual report and budget to historian.
  • Scholarship information: Send funds to the College scholarship recipient
  • High School recipient – have contact information from committee, verify contact information has been provided for recipient to notify Treasurer where funds will be credited to his/her college for second semester.
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