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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

Richard H. Balomenos Memorial Award

The Richard H. Balomenos Memorial Award was established by the Executive Board of NHTM in 1987, to remember and honor a former colleague, educator, and friend. Richard Balomenos and his wife, Georgia, died tragically in an automobile accident in December 1986. As both teacher and administrator at the University of New Hampshire for almost 25 years, Richard had a profound influence on mathematics education in the state of New Hampshire. The award is presented annually to a New Hampshire mathematics educator who has shown outstanding or meritorious service or leadership to the mathematics education community on a statewide basis.

Past recipients:
 1988 Ferd Prevost  1999 Karen Graham 2010 Barbara Boschmans
 1989 Kay Reardon 2000 David Kent 2011 No Award Given
 1990 Carol Findell 2001 Barbara Hill 2012 No Award Given
 1991 Laurie Boswell 2002 Cecile M. Carlton 2013 Christine Downing
 1992 Richard Evans 2003 Roberta Kieronski 2014 Rich Andrusiak
 1993 Joan Ferrini-Mundy 2004 Tim Kurtz 2015 Greg Superchi
 1994 Enid Burrows 2005 Judy Curran Buck 2016 Stephanie Wheeler
 1995 Betty Erickson 2006 Darien Lauten 2017-2021 No Award Given
 1996 Art Johnson 2007 William J. Roberts 2022 Annie K. Wallace
 1997 Lew Knight 2008 Brian P. Beaudrie 2023 Jess Jacques
 1998 Beverly Ferrucci 2009 Albert B. Bennett 2024 Michelle Morton-Curit

To nominate a deserving individual for this award, send the nomination information explaining why this individual merits this recognition as well as the name and contact information of the person making the nomination to the current President of NHTM  no later than January 1 by e-mail to:

2024 Balomenos Award recipient Michelle Morton-Curit with Past-President Terri Magnus

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