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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

   Duties and Responsibilities of New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics: NCTM Representative



• Attend four regularly scheduled NHTM board meetings throughout the school year, spring conference and summer retreat;  
• Keep NCTM informed of any changes in officers' names or addresses, terms, membership dues, and other essential NHTM information;

• Maintains current individual membership in NCTM throughout his/her term of office;
• Meets all consignment obligations;
• Files an annual report together with the NHTM president;
• Submits all amendments to the constitution and the bylaws in the annual report;
• Makes an effort to provide NCTM with a current list of members with names, addresses, and e-mail, where applicable, on an annual basis;
• Participates in the Delegate Assembly process;
• Promotes NCTM by informing Affiliate members about NCTM’s programs, conferences, and publications, and encourages membership in NCTM;
• Answers requests for information from NCTM promptly;
• Maintains year-round access to the Internet and e-mail;
• Maintains relationships with other Affiliates within the state, province or region as applicable;
• Participates or sends representatives to any organized assembly of NCTM when invited (e.g., Affiliate Leaders Conference)

Mathesis Articles

8/1, 11/1, 2/1, 5/1 - Sends NCTM news


Attend full day or day and a half summer retreat for board members to discuss and plan activities for the coming year


Initiate discussions with NHTM about resolutions that might be submitted to the Delegate Assembly.

October & November




Ensure that NCTM Educational Materials are available to members at meetings and conferences of NHTM.

Assist the membership committee of NHTM.


Arrange for a delegate and an alternate to attend the regular caucuses and delegate assembly at the annual NCTM meeting ($1000 stipend to be voted on annually).


Attend Eastern Section Affiliate meeting at NCTM Annual meeting.

Attend annual NCTM conference and Delegate Assembly.

Attend Affiliate breakfast at the annual NCTM Conference.


Include report on NCTM Annual meeting and results of NCTM sales at Spring Conference.

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