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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

ATMNE 2016 Fall Conference

  • 20 Oct 2016
  • 21 Oct 2016
  • Radisson Hotel, Manchester, NH


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • After September 15, 2016
  • Use this registration category if you are a full-time student or retiree. Full-time students may be requested to document their student status.
  • Rate after 9/15/2016 -*Groups of five or more must be from the same district, members of the state organization (individual or institutional), and registered at the same time on the same invoice and purchase order.
    E-mail Cecile Carlton if you have any questions or difficulties with group registration. Make checks payable to NHTM
    Mail Purchase Orders to:
    Connie Upschulte
    ATMNE 2016 Conf Co-Registrar
    3 Wheaton Drive
    Nashua NH 03063

Thank you for registering for ATMNE 2016!
We look forward to seeing you in October in Manchester, New Hampshire.
If you have any registration questions do email Cecile Carlton at

Check out the web site for more detailed information about the conference!

ATMNE 2016 Fall Conference  

Vote with Math! Developing Informed Citizens through Mathematics


Registration options are on the left.

To register, scroll down and click on the 'register' button

For group registration - 5 or more from the same district enter 1st person as contact person - complete registration information save and the click on 'add a guest' for each additional registrant until 5 or more have been entered.


 Download W-9 form if required by your district's Business Office: NHTM W-9 sept 2016.pdf

October 20-21, 2016 

Radisson Hotel, Manchester NH

Check out details at 

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