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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

Dine and Discuss 2025

  • 27 Mar 2025
  • 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center, Concord NH
  • 186



Teaching with Development in Mind to 

Promote Access for All Students

Patty Tedford, Director of Online Learning and On Site Support for the Northeast at New Perspectives on Learning is passionate about providing an equitable math education for ALL students. Previously a classroom teacher and Instructional Coach in Connecticut, Patty now supports schools and districts' understanding of teaching with development in mind and its connection to building a community of mathematicians where all students are mathematizing their world.

Trajectories, like Landscapes of Learning (Fosnot, 2016), help coaches and teachers determine where students are on their mathematical journey.  How can that information and what we as educators do next ensure accessibility for all?

Dinner will include:

Assorted Sandwiches (ham & cheese, turkey, roast beef, chicken salad, tuna salad & vegetarian wraps) on assorted homemade breads

Pasta Salad

Potato Salad (gf)

Cookies & Brownies

Chocolate Mousse (gf)

Bottled water and soda (Coke, Diet Coke, and Ginger Ale)

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