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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

43rd Annual NHTM State Mathematics Contest

  • 17 Mar 2015
  • 9:40 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Plymouth State University


  • The fee for attending is $50 if paid online or postmarked by February 19. The fee increases to $60 if paid online or if postmarked February 20 or later.

Registration is closed
43rd Annual

NH State High School Mathematics Contest

NHTM (New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics), and the Plymouth State University MathematicsDepartment invite you to form one 10 member mathematics team with no more than four seniors and a maximum of eight juniors and seniors and to join us for our 43rd annual competition this year on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at Plymouth State University (with a snow date of Wednesday, March 18th – still at Plymouth State University). Your team will have the opportunity to meet with other students from throughout the state in a day of exciting, challenging, competitive mathematics exercises in six different categories.

The Team category involves all 10 members of the team separated into two groups of five. One of the four team category questions will require each group of five students working together to submit an expanded, detailed written response. That particular response will be judged on the style of solution, the coherence of the explanation and the organization of the correct solution. In other words, teams will need to present more than the correct answer to receive maximum credit for this question! A special group of judges will be responsible for scoring these papers. Each registered school will be assigned a code to be used for this category.

The remaining categories in the contest are Recreational Mathematics, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Advanced Mathematics. Each of these 12-minute categories will consist of three questions of equal value taken by six members from each team. In these categories students work independently.

Any non-laptop type calculator allowed in the mathematics sections of the SATs and the College Board AP exams may be used in the contest. It is assumed that every participant will have a graphing calculator available to use in the contest. Please use the following link for reference:

There will be four divisions of competition. See the registration page for division requirements. Use October 1st, 2014 as the official date for school enrollment figures. Please check this figure with school officials to avoid problems of being registered in an incorrect division.

The contest is scheduled to begin at 9:40 am and the awards ceremony at 1:00 pm.

Awards: Certificates of participation will be awarded to all schools. In each division there will be team awards, individual prizes to the highest scorers, and members of the first place team in each division will receive medallions. Certificates of achievement will be awarded to all those obtaining a perfect score in a category.

Don’t delay! Register today for our 43rd annual contest!
Registration deadline: Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fees will be accepted after February 19th if it is not possible for a school to make the payment in time. However, the registration form must be completed online or postmarked by February 19, 2015.

Any registration forms postmarked after that date will be assessed an extra $10.00 fee.

If you have any questions about the contest, please feel free to e-mail the NHTM State Mathematics Coordinator, Stephen Latvis, at the following e-mail address:
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